Thursday, 21 June 2012

A Summer Audience and a Happy Surprise

Had a very enjoyable day at the Love a Happy Ending Summer Audience in Tetbury last Saturday. Great to meet so many writers and readers and enjoy many interesting talks and workshops. As if that weren't enough, I was thrilled to learn that the extract I submitted for the page-turning extract contest actually won! Seeing as the extract from Bull at the Gate was up against extracts from so many other very talented authors, it was doubly thrilling.

You can read the winning extract by clicking here.


Lavada Dee said...

Congratulations Tricia. A good read.

Tricia Jones said...

Thanks, Lavada!

Kit Domino said...

Was so thrilled for you winning. I'd wish I'd had the camera to had to take a photo of your utter amazement when it was announced. A worthy winner indeed!

Tricia Jones said...

Thanks bunches, Kit. Still can't quite believe it :)