Thursday, 29 May 2008

Samhain Cowboy Roundup

Ever fancied writing about a sexy cowboy hero? Then why not take a look Samhain editor Heidi Moore's latest call for submissions:

"I'm thrilled to announce my call for submissions for the Samhain Cowboy Roundup.

Put on Tim McGraw's "Real Good Man", close your eyes and picture a guy who wears jeans to work and who's real good with his hands, and let your muse have her way. I'm looking for 3 novellas to fit into Samhain's Cowboy Roundup Anthology. This anthology will consist of three novellas to be released individually as eBooks in June 2009 and combined into one print title in 2010.

I'm open to any romance genre but the stories must end with a HEA. Submissions are open to all authors previously published with Samhain as well as authors aspiring to publish with Samhain. Submissions must be new material—previously published material will not be considered. Additionally, we will not consider manuscripts previously submitted whether individually or for past anthologies. Please be aware that manuscripts submitted to this anthology cannot be resubmitted at a later date unless by invitation from an editor.

To submit, please include the full manuscript of 24,000–30,000 words with a 2–5 page synopsis. Also include a letter of introduction/query letter if you are an author not previously contracted with Samhain. Submissions are open until December 1, 2008, and the final decision will be made by December 24, 2008. Submissions should be sent to . Please put Cowboy Roundup Anthology Submission in the subject line. If you receive an auto response, your submission has been received. Anthologies are special projects exempt to the general closing of submissions.

I'm happy to answer questions about this anthology either on the Samhain Author loop, Samhain Café, or by private email at heidi at samhainpublishing dot com

Heidi Moore

*permission to forward granted"

What have you got to lose?