Wednesday, 1 June 2011

CCLL - Making a Difference

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. The Chernobyl Children’s Life Line was founded in 1991 to support the children horribly affected by the disaster. My mum is a great supporter of the Portsmouth and Hayling Island Link pictured. Every June families and supporters host a visit from children from Belarus for a four week recuperative break, away from contaminated food, water and air which boosts their immune systems and makes a real difference to their health and lives. I was told that it can add up to two years to their anticipated life span.

This year the children, from the Mogilev Region, near Minsk, arrive on 1 June and during their stay will take part in a whole range of activities organised by the charity and supported by Portsmouth City Council and local businesses. These activities include visits to the circus, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth Dockyard, the Royal Marines Museum, Portsmouth Football Club, Butlins holiday camp, etc. The children have the opportunity to try kayaking, crazy golf, ride on a hovercraft, go sailing and swimming at nearby beaches. My mum has helped organise a clothing day where the host families help children to select from donated clothes. There are parties, Christmas in June as well as dental and optician appointments.

CCLL was conceived in 1991 by Victor Mizzi, MBE, with the following aim:

“To relieve the need and sickness of children affected by radiation following the explosion at the Chernoby nuclear reactor on the 26th April 1986.”

It’s important not to forget the heartbreaking consequences of this event and to keep it alive in the public domain.

All donations to the charity are used solely for the children and no administration fees are deducted from the funds.


Laurie Ryan said...

Wow. What an amazing thing to do. That is so cool. I'm off to check out the related websites. Thanks for telling us about this, Tricia!

Tricia Jones said...

Thanks Laurie. It's something that doesn't get too much press, but needs highlighting as on ongoing problem for these people and their children.

Lavada Dee said...

It's hard to believe it's 25 years. You can be proud of your mothers participation. There is so much need out there.

Tricia Jones said...

Thanks, Lavada. Yes, I'm very proud of her. Despite being in a lot of pain with her legs, she throws herself into this charity with gusto. One gutsy lady.